Really nearly didn't go to the
fair today. Going with just me myself and I like a loser was daunting, it was piddling it down with rain, missed the train by two seconds so I had an hour wait and got kind of lost, somehow. But I made it and it was well worth it!
The thing I noticed first about the place? The smell of nutritional yeast. Wow. Love that smell! And the smell of wonderful spiced veg and grains, lovely! No carcass here, thanks!
The lone ranger thing kind of sucked for the first ten minutes, wandering around like some lost lamb, but I got over my douche-ness and started talking to people. The first guy I spoke to was an incredible guy from the
Vegan Organic Network who grew all his vegetables and plants without manure or chemical fertilisers, just other plants and legumes! Mind. Blown. So, even the
vegetables I eat have something to do with animals! They're grown in their poo! Especially if they're organic! And the vegetables take up the antibiotics and nonsese that the farm animals are fed, because obviously it all comes out in their poo. Food for thought there! Yuck! Atleast I/we are trying though... If only I had a working vegetable patch!
Spent alot of time talking to a girl from Sea Shepherd, really cool. Bought a badass canvas bag, and I'll look into volunteering. Also spoke to some hunt saboteurs, who I'll definitely volunteer for, there have been a few hunts around here recently and I don't want to let them get away with it.
It was truly bizarre to talk to people about veganism and the state of the world. Every person I spoke to had the same views as me! It was like I'd died and gone to heaven! I spoke to the guy from
The Healthy Vegan who had been vegan for 15 years. We spoke about the health benefits and just how crazy meat eaters are... This might seem like I got total cheap thrills over this, but I just don't have any people I know who think as I do, so it was so so so weird to talk to people who thought the same!
I spoke to alot of other stalls, all of which were super interesting and opened my mind even more about animal rights,
Sussex Action For Animals being one I will get involved in when I live there! But now I'll talk about foooood.
Food glorious food. Tried an apple crumble cupcake from the ladies from
To Happy Vegans, really delicious, but it had a slightly chemically aftertaste! Sorry guys!
There was a crazy family stall downstairs at the back, I didn't get a leaflet to see who they were, but the mum bakes loaf upon loaf upon loaf of totally delicious moist dense vegan fruit cake bread stuff! She sells at markets around London, and I would so go all the way up there to buy another one! I bought an apple, plum and oat cake and some peanut, seaweed, almond and soy milk. Oh my god, it tastes like angels. It's really thick and sweet and wonderful. Made me feel SUPER after just a mouthful! I could feel it making my insides happy. I'm going to try making some. Not my own, sicko! Lamenting the thought of running out of that milk and cake though. Serious rationing with those!

One last thing before I finish what I started on the train back home. Yes, I fell asleep, mouth wide open, catching flies, BY MYSELF, on the train home. And my brain is screaming for sweet slumber. But I cannot sleep until I let you know about
Aunty Jee. Holy mother of fuck. I can safely say that I fucking love curry, I've had a few too many in my day. Hers is the best I have ever tried. I had some Soy madras and some aubergine curry as tasters, nearly cried into her daughter's arms about how good it is, and then had to buy a curry wrap about it. Seriously delightful. They don't use preservatives, flavours or cream or ghee or any nonsense at all whatsoever and you can really taste it. I am going to dream about that curry tonight. They only sell it in health stores with freezers, I think. There's a store locator on the sight anyway. I honestly suggest you go out right now and get some. Your life isn't complete without!
Ah, I wanted to write a better blog about how awesome today was, but I didn't realise I'd be so tired when I got in! Hooo! Hopefully you got the gist though. I'll post more links at a later date, mate.