I really hope that when I finally go to Brighton, there won't be as many complete snobby upper-class prick-arseholes as there are in Fareham. I loathe this town and 99% of it's stupid rimjob inhabitants. (this great big sweeping statement considers only the patrons of Fareham Shopping Centre, of whom I assume are 99% of Fareham's inhabitants... You may take this observation as fact.)
Anyway, I'm hoping to go on a ROAD TRIP in Cornwall somewhere for a week, before I make my great escape from dead-end shit Fareham. Looking forward to a nine hour drive, no showers and sleeping in the car...
Not much else has happened really. This long week of hard slog has made me think about a few things, when I've not been in that hell-hole. The biggest thing, I've realised, is that over the past few years my creativity has vanished and taken a big part of me with it. I'm going to have a few weeks before I go away to University to try and sort it out, I want to go into the forest and read, take pictures of nature's beauty and put pen to paper. Maybe knit. My only outlet at the moment is cooking, which, okay, is pretty damn tasty, but I'd like to spread it all over the place. A big part is my being lazy I guess. I've also discovered the fact that I like coffee, a bit of a strange one considering I've worked in a Starbucks and a Costa collectively for a year. It shall be the fuel for long nights of getting high on turpentine and getting paint in my hair, like the old days. Enough of the "I shall's" already!!
Observing people mindlessly go about their boring lives of work-come to Costa-sleep-work-buy clothes and electronics-work more-sleep-have a baby-work-get old and die has made me think about the capitalist society we're all unfortunately a part of, and just how shit it is. Exploitation is everywhere. It's a sick society we've built for ourselves. "Every man for himself". Dominate and control, get more money, tread on everyone you can, and all without thinking about it. Brilliant. My friend Kat lent me the film, The Edukators, which pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about society and everything! Apart from at the end where Jeff Buckley kind of ruins it a bit. But yeah, add it to your list of films to watch!
Whilst on this whole subject, I'm reading some Marx and Engels and I'll be getting some Kropotkin. It's really interesting. If only Capitalism could be overthrown successfully... Unfortunately I still think I'll end up living up a tree somewhere. I'll post more about my findings when I've learnt enough to have an opinion. If anyone ever reads any of this and has any reading suggestions, please say! I'd love it aha
It was my brother's 19th birthday a few days ago, and on his request I made him a VEGAN chocolate cake! Considering he is the fussiest eater ever and a meat eater, I consider it a great victory that he wanted it! He practically begged me to make it for him! It's nice when people come to me for food, I just hope one day the infiltration will reach them deeply and they'll realise "hey, being vegan isn't so hard! It's damn tasty and Meg can do it! So can I!"
Well, there's hoping :D

Evidence of said cake making, also best apron ever. Also, appreciate the tea selection.