Tuesday, 2 February 2010

It's all nice on ice, alright

Ahh, first day back at the grind yesterday. One of the ladies who worked there greeted me with "Welcome to NUT WORLD!", which she pissed herself over because there are lots and lots of... Nuts. A bit daunting because in a couple of weeks they're going to leave me in charge of opening and closing the shop on my shifts, which I've never done before and it all seems very scary. I get 25% discount, which is awesome because it's all the expensive stuff I buy, like dried fruit, nuts and seeds and stuff. Hooray! And I get 25% off in Holland and Barrett, which is really bad because I'm probably not going to save any money to make my great escape to the mountains. It's a nice little job though, it's quiet and the main clientele are little old people who love to chat. Grand.

Cleaned my place today, there was Guinea shit everywhere which might have been why it was fousty as sin in here. The Guineas are too much fun. Hella entertaining watching them please themselves and go nuts over it; they do this crazy jump-somersault-squeal thing when it all gets too much for them. Bless 'em.

Funds are at an all-time low, I have £45 to my name to last me a month and there's bills to pay, diesel and food to buy as well. Not letting it get to me though. It'll be fiiiine. Somehow.

Really would like a tattoo. I know I'd like two birds on my collarbone but I can't make my mind up on what kind of birdies. I've thought Magpies or Peacocks. Bleh. One day I'll know.

Going to make a fruitcake in a bit, more dense than the blackest of black holes, so wish me luck with that. Adios.

Ahh summer. So near yet so far.

1 comment:

  1. "fruitcake more dense than the blackest of black holes"!
    Wooooo that's dense! Lot's of sexy carbs. Good luck with that!
